The University of Sydney International Scholarship is a prestigious postgraduate research scholarship funded by the University of Sydney, valued at up to $143,881. It provides a living-cost stipend to support outstanding international research students.
- Value: $40,109 per annum
- Eligibility: International postgraduate research students
- Open Date: All year
- Close Date: Refer to specific deadlines below
How to Apply
The scholarship follows the same assessment timeline as the Research Training Program.
- For Research Period 1 (1 January) or Research Period 2 (1 March), submit your research degree application in September of the prior year.
- For Research Period 3 (1 July) or Research Period 4 (1 October), apply in December of the prior year.
Please check the table below for exact dates.
Current students can apply here. Applications are open all year round – the deadlines mentioned here apply.
Select the checkbox for research scholarships during the admission application for your postgraduate research degree. No separate application is required.
- 2024 Awards: Valued at $40,109 per annum, covering tuition fees and living costs.
Eligibility Criteria
- Must be an international student at the time of the award.
- Expected to enroll in a full-time postgraduate research degree (part-time enrolment may be approved under special circumstances).
- Must apply for RTP Scholarships during the application for admission to their HDR Course with the required supporting material.
- Scholarship tenure is up to 14 research periods for a Research Doctorate or 7 research periods for a Research Masters.
- No extension is possible.
- Must commence the scholarship by the census date of their intake year. Deferment to the next calendar year is not permitted.
- May defer the scholarship for up to one research period with approval.
Stipend and Allowances
- Stipend: $40,109 per annum (2024 rate), indexed annually.
- Thesis Allowance: Up to $420 for Masters and $840 for Doctoral candidates for direct costs of producing a thesis.
- Concurrent Awards: Allowed if the benefit is less than 75% of the scholarship. Salary for unrelated work is not subject to this limit.
Selection Criteria
- Academic Merit
- Research Experience
- Availability of Research Environment and Resources
- Availability of High-Quality Supervisory Arrangements
Preference may be given to:
- Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander applicants.
- Applicants who have not received previous Australian Government or University Scholarships for the same level of study.
- Applicants who have not previously completed an HDR course at the same level.
The Higher Degrees by Research Scholarships Sub-Committee (HDRSSC) awards the scholarship based on the faculty’s recommendation. Applicants will be notified via email.
Leave Arrangements
- Recreation Leave: Up to 20 working days per 12 months, can be accrued. Supervisor’s agreement is required before taking leave.
- Sick Leave: Up to 10 working days per 12 months, can be accrued. Up to five days can be converted to carers leave with a medical certificate. Additional paid sick leave of up to 12 weeks is available for medically substantiated illnesses, added to the scholarship duration.
- Recreation Leave: Up to 20 working days per 12 months of the Scholarship, can be accrued. Any unused leave will be forfeited upon completion or termination of the Scholarship. Recreation leave does not attract a leave loading. The supervisor’s agreement is required before taking leave.
- Sick Leave: Up to 10 working days per 12 months of the Scholarship, can be accrued. Students with carer responsibilities may convert up to five days of their annual sick leave entitlement to carer’s leave with a medical certificate. Sick leave must be communicated to the supervisor as soon as possible.
- Additional Paid Sick Leave: Up to 12 weeks during the Scholarship for medically substantiated periods of illness where insufficient sick leave entitlements are available. This leave is added to the Scholarship duration.
Termination of the Scholarship
The Scholarship may be terminated under the following circumstances:
- If the recipient ceases to meet the eligibility criteria other than during a period in which the recipient is on an approved leave of absence.
- If the recipient does not resume study at the end of a period of approved leave.
- If the recipient completes their course.
- If the recipient fails to maintain satisfactory academic progress.
- If the recipient is found to have committed serious misconduct, including, but not limited to, providing false or misleading information.
- If the recipient receives another award, scholarship, or salary that exceeds 75% of the Scholarship value for their study.
- If the recipient fails to maintain a valid visa to study in Australia.
Obligations of the Recipient
- The recipient must diligently and to the best of their ability apply themselves to the successful completion of their degree.
- The recipient must abide by the University’s policies and procedures, including those relating to conduct, and will obey all reasonable directions of the University.
- The recipient must provide all reports and participate in all surveys as requested by the University.
- The recipient must notify the University of any changes to their enrolment status.
- The recipient must notify the University if they obtain any other scholarship, award, or salary.
Official Scholarship Website: https://sydney.edu.au/scholarships/e/university-sydney-international-scholarship.html